To access the livestream, tap on the "Event Schedule" section of the SME Events App. Here you will be able to view an agenda of the event. If you want to search for only livestreamed presentations, view the livestream tag that will be attached to each presentation within the agenda that is set to livestream. Shortly before the livestream begins, you will see a Join Livestream button located on the presentation. When the livestream starts, tap the Join Livestream button in the Event Session.
During the livestream, there is a chat box where you can interact with others who are also watching the livestream, this will be located in the right side of the screen. During the presentation, you can chat with other attendees as well as ask questions that our onsite team can ask the speakers. Shortly after the livestream has ended, you will be able to access it as On-Demand content. This can be found in the On-Demand content feature within the Digital Experience or in the Event Schedule which will no say View Recording.